The SmoothSkin Blog
Why do women grow facial hair?
SmoothSkin experts explain the causes of female facial hair and the best hair removal methods for different lifestyles.
How to get smooth skin based on your skin type
Experts at SmoothSkin share how to determine what skin type you have and how to get smooth skin for it.
How to get prevent razor bumps when shaving
SmoothSkin experts share the cause of razor bumps and how to heal any red bumps after hair removal.
How women with PCOS feel about body hair
SmoothSkin conducted research into womens’ thoughts and feelings towards their body hair when dealing with PCOS.
The Truth About Hair Removal: Myths vs. Facts
Discover the truth behind common hair removal myths. Experts at SmoothSkin debunk common hair removal myths on hair growth, skin damage, ingrown hairs and more!
Body Hair Removal Trends in the UK
New SmoothSkin hair removal survey reveals the nation’s most common hair removal methods, how people feel about their body hair, and much more.